Wednesday, July 29, 2009


What do you think is the reason to fight and kill unarmed people and innocent children and women? Every one loves his or her family and his or her children. Absolutely the Iraqi people love their children too. The American officials say that we want to defend our children. That's good idea but what about other people in Iraq or even in Afghanistan? Don't they like their children? Aren't they human as we are?

They say that we want to defend our people and it's every human's right to defend himself. for example if a thief come to your home and then wants to kill you, you surely have right to kill him. Ok. that's for sure but not going to your neighbors' homes and killing your neighbors' children and killing 10s of people for what you call it defending yourself. and on the contrary call the Palestinian people terrorist while their defending themselves. and the example matches in Palestine. The Israelis have come from different countries to Palestine and every day kill innocent people. So what would you do if Iraqis and Afghanis come to your country and claim the land is theirs and start to kill your people?

There are lots of unanswered questions in my mind that I will share them with you in future.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi friend

hi, dear friends.
Just right now something happened to me which made me decide to create thing new blog to share our ideas about what is happening in the world today.
The thing which happened was some videos that I have just watched them. Their subjects were about the U.S led war in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.
I want to write and talk about peace and justice in the world.